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http://www.100md.com 2011年7月1日 《中国健康月刊.A版》 2011年第7期
     [摘要] 中药阿胶是一类明胶蛋白,具有多种药用疗效,现就近年来对阿胶化学成分的研究及其鉴别方法做一总结,为改善阿胶质量品质提供一定的参考依据。

    [关键词] 阿胶; 化学成分; 鉴别方法

    [中图分类号] [文献标识码] [文章编号] 1005-0515(2011)-07-006-01

    Research on Effective Components and Identification Methods of the Donkey-hide Gelatin

    Hui Qiusha

    (Shandong university of traditional Chinese medicine Jinan,Shandong,China 250014)

    [Abstract] The donkey-hide gelatine, which is a kind of gelatin protein, has many medicinal curative effects. Now, we make a review on the chemical compositions and identification methods of the donkey-hide gelatine in recent years, providing some reference for improving the donkey-hide gelatine quality.

    [Keywords]Gelatina Nigra; Chemical composition; Identification Method

    阿胶系驴的皮经煎煮浓缩制成的固体胶 ......
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