[摘要] 看病难看病贵是目前政府关注民生的主要问题之一,医改的主要目的便是解决老百姓看病难看病贵的问题,本文旨在总结我院一年来积极应对医改,认真开展优质服务工作经验及主要存在的问题,以期不断提高医院的服务质量及效能,为国家医改提供一些基层的、可操作性强的建议。[关键词] 公立医院改革; 优质服务; 看病难看病贵; 建议
[中图分类号] R197.32[文献标识码] B[文章编号] 1005-0515(2011)-07-265-01
Active Responding to Public Hospital Reform and Implementing High-quality Service
Zhou LifangChen YongqiangLi BingXiong JianfangXu Ping
(Liuzhou Worker's Hospital, the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical UniversityGuangxi Liuzhou545005)
[Abstract] Overcharge the common people for inadequate medical services is one of the main government concerns of livelihood of the people and one of the main purposes of public hospital reform is to solve this problem. This article summarizes the experience and the problems of responding to public hospital reform in our hospital this year, aimed to improve the quality and efficacy of medical service and offer some basic and applicable advices for the national health care reform. ......
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