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http://www.100md.com 2012年1月1日 薛君


     [摘要] 目的 探讨老年高血压合并冠心病动态血压的特点,并进行护理。方法 对179例老年高血压合并冠心病患者和72例单纯性高血压患者进行24小时动态血压监测,所有患者均进行冠脉造影,分析动态血压参数。结果 高血压合并冠心病组,其24小时动态收缩压,日间动态收缩压,夜间动态收缩压,24小时动态脉压,日间动态脉压,夜间动态脉压都高于单纯高血压组,(t值分别为:2.587、2.046、2.674、2.036、2.0602、1.994;p值分别是:0.014、0.036、0.008、0.040、0.018、0.046)。结论 与单纯性高血压相比,高血压合并冠心病者血压更高,对高血压合并冠心病者,应进行更好的血压控制,以预防高血压危象的发生。

    [关键词] 高血压; 冠心病; 动态血压; 护理

    [中图分类号] R544.1 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1005-0515(2012)-01-022-01

    Ambulatory Blood Pressure Characteristics and Nursing of 179 Cases of Coronary Heart Disease Patients with Hypertension

    Xue Jun

    (The Department of internal of Medical Center in Dujiangyan,Sichuan,Dujiangyan,611830)

    [Abstract] Objective Investigate the hypertension,coronary heart disease in elderly ambulatory blood pressure characteristics and for care. Methods 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring 179 cases of elderly patients with hypertension and coronary heart disease and 72 cases of simple hypertension, Coronary angiography for all patients, analyze their blood pressure parameters. Results Hypertension and coronary heart disease group, Its 24-hour ambulatory systolic blood pressure, daytime systolic blood pressure dynamics, the dynamic systolic blood pressure at night,24-hour ambulatory pulse pressure, daytime ambulatory pulse pressure, pulse pressure is higher than the dynamic night hypertensive group (t values were 2.587,2.046,2.674,2.036,2.0602,1.994,p values were 0.014,0.036,0.008,0.040,0.018,0.046).Conclusion Compared with simple hypertension, patients in hypertension and coronary heart disease have higher blood pressure, for hypertension and coronary heart disease, better blood pressure control should be done to prevent the occurrence of hypertensive crisis.

    [Key words] Hypertension; Coronary heart disease; Ambulatory blood pressure; Care


    1 对象与方法

    1.1 对象 选择2010年5月-2011年5月在我科住院老年患者,年龄在60岁以上,高血压合并冠心病者179例,其中男性患者102例,女性患者77例,单纯性高血压患者72例,其中男性42例,女性30例,所有患者均在住院期间行动态血压监测和冠状动脉造影,两组患者均排除继发性高血压,风湿性心脏病,肺心病,束支传导阻滞,糖尿病,永久起搏器安置术后等情况。(1)冠状动脉造影诊断冠心病标准:正交投射体位造影发现左冠状动脉的左主干,前降支,旋支,和右冠状动脉的主要4支动脉中有至少2支动脉狭窄≥50% ......
