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http://www.100md.com 2012年1月1日 陈邦强


     [摘要] 目的 观察中药内服联合外搽治疗白癜风的疗效。方法 治疗组采用增色内服方黄芪30g,丹参20g,菟丝子20g,白芷12g,防风12g,当归12g,旱莲草15g,乌梅15g,川芎12g,刺蒺藜15g,补骨脂15g,甘草6g,水煎内服,1日1剂或2日1剂,分3次服,用十全增色搽剂外搽患处,1日4次,连续用药3个月判定疗效。对照组用卤米松乳膏外搽患处,早晚各1次,连续用药2周停药1周,治疗3个月判定疗效。结果 治疗组有效率68.63%,对照组29.79%。结论 中药内服联合十全增色搽剂疗效高于卤米松乳膏组,不良反少,值得推广应用。

    [关键词] 白癜风; 增色内服方; 十全增色搽剂; 疗效

    [中图分类号] R758.4+1 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1005-0515(2012)-01-023-01

    The Curative Effect Observation of Chinese Medicine Combined Internal and External Treatment of Vitiligo

    Chen Bangqiang

    (Dermatology Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Jianyang,641400)

    [Abstract] Objective Observation of Chinese medicine combined with external application of in treatment of vitiligo. Methods Treatment group was treated by oral side of Astragalus 30g,Salvia 20g,Dodder 20g,Angelica dahurica 12g,Windproof 12g,Chinses Angelica 12g,Eclipta prostrate 15g, Dark plum 15g,Rhizome of Chuanxiong 12g,Tribulus terrestris 15g,Psoralen 15g,Licorice root 6g.Water decoction orally was taken 1 agent per day or 2 agents each 2 days in 3 and use perfect hyperchromic to apply to the affected area 4 times per day. Medication was taken for 3 months to determine efficacy. The control group uses Halometasone Cream to apply to the affected area 2 times per day. Medication for 2 weeks of stopping treatment for 1 week we determined the efficacy of treatment after 3 months. Results The effective rate of treatment group is 68.63% and contrast group is 29.79%.Conclusion The effects of traditional Chinese medicine liniment combined Shiquan hyperchromic are higher than the group of halometasone cream.

    [Key words] Vitiligo; Graces internal and party; Perfect color liniment; Curative effects


    1 资料和方法

    1.1 病例选择 全部病例均来自门诊,诊断均符合全国中西医结合皮肤病学会色素性皮肤病学组制订的诊断标准[1]年龄10以上岁者。其中心、肝、肾功能不全者,孕妇及哺乳期妇女、高血压、糖尿病、白内障以及光敏性疾病患者不入选。

    1.2 一般资料 将入选病例随机分为2组,完成治疗98例,其中治疗组51例,男性22例,女性29例,年龄10岁-56岁,平均27.5岁,病程2月-10年,平均3.5年。对照组47例,男性22例,女性25例,年龄10岁-56岁,平均26.5岁,病程2月-12年,平均3.8年。两组在性别、年龄、病程、分型等方面均无显著差异,具有可比性。

    1.3 治疗方法 治疗组51例,用增色内服方:黄芪30g,丹参20g,菟丝子20g,白芷12g,防风12g,当归12g,旱莲草15g,乌梅15g,川芎12g,刺蒺藜15g,补骨脂15g,甘草6g,水煎内服,1日1剂或2日1剂,分3次服。

    加减变化:风湿袭表加荆芥、细辛、白癣皮;肝气郁结加柴胡、白芍、香附;肝肾不足加熟地、制首乌、枸杞;气滞血瘀加桃仁、红花、鸡血藤;气血不足重用黄芪、加党参。外用医院制剂十全增色搽剂(批准文号川药制字z20080565)主要组方独活、补骨脂、紫草、硫磺、雄黄、当归、肉桂、红花、乙醇浸泡 ......
