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http://www.100md.com 2010年10月1日 陈九伟 解秀禄李金标王金平王荫红




    Study of the satus of married childbearing age women,s common Reproductive tract infections and related factors in Zibo

    CHEN JiuWei1 JIAXiuLu1 LI JinBiao WANG JinPing WANG YinHong

    【Abstract】Objective: To master the prevalence of Reproductive tract infections and related factors of married women atreproductive age in Zibo, in order to help government of take targeted measures. To aggregated and analyzed the gynecological survey results of cluster random sampling method in the city's 6646 cases of extraction of married women of reproductive age conducted a questionnaire survey, gynecological examination and laboratory tests.Results: The prevalence of reproductive tract infections is 42.03%, bacterial vaginosis(11.51%), Candida vaginitis (9.19%), pelvic inflammatory disease(8.28%), trichomonas vaginitis (2.90%). Therisk factors of reproductive tract infectionsis secondary and secondary level of education, per capita incomes below 1,000 yuan, living in towns and cities and the use of IUD contraception. 31~40-year-old age group. ConclusionWomen,s reproductive tract infections is a common disease prevention and treatment in the future , Tofurther enhance the quality of health services for contraceptionof women of childbearing age is an important aspect.Strengthen reproductive health education campaigns to raise women's self-care awareness. Women,s common disease-related factors should be prevention and intervention effectivly.



    1 资料与方法

    1.1调查对象。依托淄博市2007年市政府为群众办实事之一 ——育龄妇女健康查体工程,为60万农村育龄妇女免费进行妇科病普查的巨大样本, 2008年为全市妇女儿童办的免费为农村和城镇低保妇女开展健康普查项目,年内为万名城镇低保妇女进行妇女病普查的样本,以及淄博市政府相关部门联合下发的《关于进一步规范管理妇女病防治工作的实施意见》每年对市直机关及市属以上企事业单位的女职工近2万妇女病普查普治的样本,采用分层随机抽样法从以上三个群体妇女病普查样本中随机抽取在调查地区居住1年以上的已婚育龄妇女(除外妊娠和月经期妇女)为研究对象 ......
