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http://www.100md.com 2011年1月1日 刘婷婕 吕旺盛 许亮文 金乐红 马海燕 王建森 周 颖




    Survey on Bodybuilding Activity among the community's residents of Hang zhou

    Liu Tingjie LV Wangsheng Xu LiangwenJin LehongMa HaiyanWang JiansenZhou Yin

    【Abstract】ObjectiveAs a support for the health management, the status quo about physical exercises among the community residents in Hangzhou is investigated.Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted among household adult members of 600 families in three communities of Hangzhou and relative analysis was made based on the acquired data.ResultsAmong all the residents, 85.8 percent take part in physical exercise, as a part of it, the elders between the age of 50 and 60,laid-offs, and junior middle school graduates are more enthusiastic than others, as a contrast, the youth between the age of 18 and 29, primary school graduates, and public servants are most nagetive. Moreover, 60.1 percent do exercises for not less than half an hour, 66.5 percent of them do physical exercise for their physical health. As regard to the place, park and public fitness centers is the first choice. as a result, 86.4 percent of the residents believe that their health condition has improved.ConclusionIn Hangzhou, doing exercise to keep-fit is widespread. However, more work needs to be done on the aspects of the covering, length of time, intensity, and quality, etc.

    【Key word】community; resident; physical exercises



    1 资料来源与方法

    1.1 研究对象按照杭州市主城区的地理位置,选择东、中、西一条直线上的上城区、下城区和江干区,在每个区中随机抽取1个社区,再在每个社区中以系统抽样法抽取200户家庭,对抽取家庭的全部18岁及以上常年居住(居住时间在1年及以上)成员作为调查对象进行调查。共发放问卷1232份,回收有效问卷1188份,有效回收率96.4%。

    1.2 调查方法根据研究目的自行设计调查问卷,并经预调查后确定。内容包括基本信息和健身活动的现状。参考美国运动医学学院(ACSM)1998年推荐的对预防及改善心血管疾病发生发展有积极意义的健身活动标准 ......
