【摘要】连续性肾脏替代治疗(CRRT)是一种较新的血液净化的技术,可通过弥散和对流的方式清除血液中多余的水分、电解质和中、小分子物质,还能吸附炎症介质,血液中进行血浆置换、血脂分离、清除部分对人体有害的抗体等,其临床应用范围已远远超出肾脏病的领域。近年来,随着超滤、灌流、吸附等一系列新技术的不断发展,CVVH,CAVHD CVVHD,CAVHDF,CVVHDF,SCUF,CHFD,HVHF,CPFA等新技术不断问世,其在抢救危重症患者中越来越发挥了独特的优势。【关键词】连续性肾脏替代治疗;临床应用;前景展望
The clinical application and prospect forecast of continuous renal replacement therapy
【Abstract】Continuous renal replacement therapy is a relatively new blood purification technology. It can remove excess moisture, electrolyte, medium molecules, small molecules and absorb inflammation, plasma exchange, lipid separation, clearing parts of the harmful to human body antibodies etc in blood through confusion and convection way. Its clinical application scope has been far beyond kidney field. Such as CVVH ......
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