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【摘要】目的:评价肺泡表面活性物质(pulmonary surfactantPS 商品名:固尔苏)及持续气道正压通气(continuouspositive-airway pressure,CPAP)对早产儿呼吸窘迫综合症的治疗作用,并作对比。方法:29例患呼吸窘迫综合症的早产儿(neonatalrespiratorydistresssyndrome,NRDS)经气管内给予固尔苏[100mg/kg.dose]、持续气道正压通气、或两者均用,或两者均未用者,比较四组的住院时间及治愈率。结果:四组比较:单用PS治疗早产儿NRDS的治愈率为85.7%,单用CPAP治疗治愈率为40%,两者均用治愈率为50%,两者均未用治愈率为26%。四组治疗方案治愈率比较有显著差异性(P<0.01)。结论:单用肺泡表面活性物质(PS)的治疗效果最好。持续气道正压通气(CPAP)治疗效果次之。应大力推广早期、及时使用PS治疗早产儿呼吸窘迫综合症,提高早产儿的存活率。
【Abstract】Appraisal pulmonary alveolus surface-active substance (pulmonary surfactant PS business commodity name: The solid Soviet) and continues the gas channel positive pressure ventilation (continuous positive-airway pressure, CPAP) to breathe the poverty-stricken syndrome to the premature infant the therapeutic action, and makes the contrast.method:29 example trouble breath poverty-stricken syndrome's premature infant (neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, NRDS) gives the solid Soviet after the trachea in 100mg/kg.dose, to continue the gas channel positive pressure ventilation, or both uses, or both not customer, compared with four group in hospital time and cure rate.result:Four groups of comparisons: Uses PS to treat premature infant NRDS the cure rate is 85.7% only, uses CPAP to treat the cure rate is 40% only, both use the cure rate are 50%, both have not used the cure rate are 26%. Four group of therapeutic schedule cure rate comparison has the remarkable difference (P<0.01).conclusionUses the pulmonary alveolus surface-active substance only (PS) the treatment result is best. Continues the gas channel positive pressure ventilation (CPAP) the treatment result next best. Should promote the early time, use PS vigorously to treat the premature infant promptly to breathe the poverty-stricken syndrome, raises premature infant's survival percentage.
【Keywords】 CPAP; Pulmonary alveolus surface-active substance; Premature infant; Breathes the poverty-stricken syndrome ......