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http://www.100md.com 2011年7月1日 王江红 杨艳霞 冯杰


     【摘要】目的:分析评价卒中单元重症监护治疗对急性重症脑卒中患者的护理效果的影响。方法 将2008年12月之前入我院神经内科住院治疗的30例在普通病房接受监护护理的急性重症脑卒中患者作为对照组;将2009年1月至2010年12月入我院神经内科住院治疗的30例在卒中单元接受重症监护的急性重症脑卒中患者作为实验组。对比分析对照组和实验组患者在意识障碍程度、病残程度以及神经功能缺损程度等指标的评分差异,研究两组患者并发症发生率以及病死率差异,探讨急性重症脑卒中患者在卒中单元接受重症监护的效果。结果 实验组患者在意识障碍程度、病残程度以及神经功能缺损程度等指标的评分均要明显高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01);实验组患者并发症的发生率要明显低于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论 急性重症脑卒中患者收治卒中单元重症监护病房,对患者实施重症监护,能够显著提高急性重症脑卒中患者的护理质量,有效提高疗效,对改善护患关系有着积极的意义。


    【Abstract】purpose Analysis and evaluation stroke unit intensive care treatment for severe acute stroke patients care effect. Methods In December 2008 the neurological in-patients before our treatment of 30 patients in the common ward nursing care of patients with acute accept patients with cerebral apoplexy as control group; in January 2009 to December 2010 our monthly neurological in-patients in stroke treatment of 30 patients receive intensive care unit of severe acute stroke patients for the test group; Comparative analysis in the control group and the disorder of consciousness in patients with degree\ Invalid degree and neural function defect such as degree of score difference index, The two groups of patients complication rate and mortality difference, Explore severe acute stroke in patients with stroke unit receives the effect of intensive care. The results In patients with the disorder of consciousness degree\ Invalid degree and neural function defect such as degree of index scores are significantly higher than those in the control group, A statistically significant difference(P<0.01); The incidence of complications in patients with the experimental group was lower than those of the control group, A statistically significant difference(P<0.01). conclusion Severe acute stroke patients treated stroke unit intensie care unit, Implementation of intensive care to patients, Can significantly improve the patients with acute stroke patients the quality of care, Effectively improve the curative effect, To improve the relationship with has a positive meaning.

    【Keywords】stroke; Intensive care; Nursing quality

    【中图分类号】R385 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1005-0515(2011)07-0026-02

    对急性重症脑卒中患者实施卒中单元内重症监护,能够尽早地发现并且避免可使脑组织进一步损伤的颅内外因素给患者带来的影响,可以有效降低患者的致残率和死亡率,并且对患者预后也能发挥积极的改善作用[1]。我科于2009年1月设立卒中病床单元,对急性重症脑卒中患者收治其中实施重症监护,进行规范化护理,取得了令人满意的效果。现总结如下: ......
