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http://www.100md.com 2011年10月1日 苏嫱



    目的: 探讨梅花针叩击配合电针治疗对不同时期周围性面瘫的疗效。方法: 对2007年6月―2009年1月60例住院的周围性面瘫患者予以梅花针配合电针治疗,根据患者入院时的发病时间,分为急性期、静止期、恢复期、后遗症期4组,均使用梅花针配合电针治疗,观察不同时期面瘫患者的治疗效果。结果: 治疗3个疗程后急性期患者总有效率达94%;静止期患者总有效率为75%;恢复期患者总有效率为66%;后遗症期患者总有效率为33%;梅花针叩击配合电针治疗对面瘫的急性期、静止期、恢复期治疗都有治疗意义,但对后遗症期的面瘫无明显治疗意义。结论: 在周围性面瘫急性期、静止期、恢复期予梅花针配合电针治疗是一种有效的治疗方法。


    【Abstract】Objective To investigate the effect of plum-blossom needle tapping with Electro-Acupuncture therapy on peripheral facial paralysis in different periods .Methods:60 cases in hospitalized patients with peripheral facial paralysis in June 2007 -January 2009 to be treated by plum-blossom needle tapping with Electro-Acupuncture.according to the onset of admission ,the patients were divided into the acute phase, stationary, recovery, sequelae of 4,all of them were treated by plum-blossom needle tapping with Electro-Acupuncture , observed The efficacy during the treatment of patients with facial paralysis in different stages .Results: after 3 courses of treatment ,the acute phase total effective rate was 94%; quiescent total effective rate was 75% ; recovery in patients with total effective rate was 66%; sequelae of patients with total effective rate was 33%; with plum-blossom needle tapping and electroacupuncture treatment of the acute phase, stationary phase, recovery phase has therapeutic significance, but there was no clear effect on the sequelae phase.Conclusion:In the phase ofacute , resting, recovery of peripheral facial paralysis, the plum-blossom needle tapping with electroacupuncture treatmentis an effective treatment.

    【Key words】Plum blossom needle; Electroacupuncture; Peripheral facial paralysis

    【中图分类号】R176 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1005-0515(2011)10-0349-02


    1 临床资料

    本组60例全部为住院患者,全部符合实用神经病学的诊断标准[2],根据患者人院时发病的时间(急性期:发病1~7 d;静止期:发病8~14 d;恢复期:发病15~30 d;后遗症期:发病30 d以上到数年不等[3])分为4组。其中急性期组18例,静止期组12例,恢复期组15例,后遗症期组15例。四季均有发病,感冒、长时间吹风或空调受凉后发病多见。4组患者在性别、年龄、病程方面差异均无统计学意义。

    2 方法

    2.1梅花针治疗: 梅花针又叫皮肤针,由针盘与针柄构成,针柄有弹性,长约15~19 cm,针盘下散嵌着不锈钢短针5支,呈松针形。使用时将针柄末端固定在掌心,针尖对准部位,使用手腕之力,将针尖垂直叩打在皮肤上,并立刻弹起,反复进行。

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