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http://www.100md.com 2008年2月1日 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2008年第2期

     【摘要】 目的 了解医学生考试焦虑状况。方法 应用考试焦虑量表对204名医学院学生在考前两周进行测试。结果 医学生的考试焦虑水平低于广州普通大学生,且女生的考试焦虑状况显著高于男生,不同年级、不同专业在考试焦虑方面无显著差异。结论 医学生的考试焦虑水平具有性别显著差异。

    【关键词】 考试焦虑量表;考试焦虑;医学生

    A Survey on the Test Anxiety of Medical College Students. Ling Xiao, Fan Xiaoling, Yang Jiefang, et al. Faculty of Educational Sciences, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, P.R.China

    【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the status of the test anxiety of medical college students. Methods The Test Anxiety Inventory(TAI) was used in testing 204 medical college students in two weeks before final examinations. Results The level of test anxiety of medical college students is much lower than that of the students from Guangzhou, female students have significantly higher test anxiety than male students, but there are no significant grade and specialty differences in medical college students. Conclusion There are gender difference in test anxiety.

    【Key words】 Test Anxiety Inventory(TAI); Test anxiety; Medical college student

    考试焦虑是一种负性的情绪体验 ......

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