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http://www.100md.com 2008年5月1日 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2008年第5期
     【摘要】 目的 了解意象对话技术对收教人员心理健康的干预效果。方法以漳州市收教所收教人员为被试,分实验组和对照组,运用意象对话技术对实验 组进行分5次团体心理干预。结果 实验组的强迫症状、人际关系敏感、抑 郁、精神病性等因子分明显下降,前后测结果之间差异达到显著性水平(P <0.05),实验组前后测总分之间具有显著相关;实验组与控制组前测后测结果之间具有显 著性差异(z=-2.402,P<0.05)。结论 意象对话技术对 改善收教人员心理健康有着积极影响,在一定程度上提高了她们的心理健康水平。

    【关键词】 意象对话技术;收教人员;心理健康;心理干预

    An Experiment on the Interference of Image Dialogue in the Psychological Healthof the Imprisoned. Zeng Tiande, Huang Luhua, Wang Junzai. Institute of A pplied Psychology, Zhangzhou Normal University, Zhangzhou 363000, P.R.China

    【Abstract】 Objective This experiment aims to study the interferenceeffect of image dialogue skill on the psychological health of the imprisoned. Methods T he criminals in Zhangzhou Labour Education and Rehabilitation Unit were dividedinto two groups and image dialogue was taken 5 times in group to those participa ting in the experiment. Results The experimentees have less dep ression, less sensitiveness to the interpersonal relationship, and fewer factorsfor mental diseases. The differences before and after the experiments and the t otal figures before and after it are distinct (P[ 1-3]那么 ......
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