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[7]郭伯良,张雷.班级环境对儿童受害和同伴接受、学习成绩关系的影响.中国临 床心理学杂志,2004,12(3):244-249
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(收稿日期:2008-02-17), http://www.100md.com(周 晖 张 豹 谭 锐 黄鸣鹤)
[3]Crick NR, Dodge KA. A Review and Reformulation of Social Information -Processing Mechanisms in Children's Social Adjustment. Psychological Bulletin,1994,115(1):74-101
[4]Chen XY, Rubin KH, Li Z. Social functioning and adjustment in Chines e Children: a Longitudinal study. Developmental Psychology, 1995,31(4):531-539
[5]方晓义,张锦涛,孙莉,等.亲子冲突与青少年社会适应的关系.应用心理学,2003 ,9(4):14-21
[6]雷雳,王争艳,刘红云,等.初中生的亲子沟通及其与家庭环境系统和社会适应关 系的研究.应用心理学,2002,8(1):14-20
[7]郭伯良,张雷.班级环境对儿童受害和同伴接受、学习成绩关系的影响.中国临 床心理学杂志,2004,12(3):244-249
[8]杨彦平,金瑜.中学生社会适应量表的编制.心理发展与教育,2007,22(4):108- 114
[9]陈建文,黄希庭.中学生社会适应性的理论构建及量表编制.心理科学,2004,27( 1):2-4
[10]Chen XY, Rubin KH, Dan l. Relation between academic achievement andsocial adjustment evidence from Chinese children. Developmental Psychology,1997,33(3):518-525
[11]李文道,邹泓,赵霞.初中生的社会支持和学校适应的关系.心理发展与教育,20 03,19(3):73-81
[12]Eisenberg N, Fabes RA, Guthrie IK, Reiser M. Dispositional emotiona lity and regulation: their role in predicting quality of social functioning. Jou rnal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2000,78(1):136-157
(收稿日期:2008-02-17), http://www.100md.com(周 晖 张 豹 谭 锐 黄鸣鹤)