【摘要】 目的 探讨大学生自我和谐与个人自尊、集体自尊之间的关系。 方法 采用SCCS、SES、CSES对189名大学生进行调查,对数据进行相关和回归分析 。结果 自我和谐总分及其各维度与个人自尊、集体自尊之间,除自我刻板 性与之无显著相关外,其余均两两相关且非常显著。回归分析表明,集体自尊对个人自尊回 归效应显著,集体自尊对自我和谐回归效应显著。结论 个人自尊对集体自 尊与自我和谐的关系起了中介的影响。【关键词】 自我和谐;个人自尊;集体自尊 ;大学生
Relationship among Individual Self-esteem, Collective Self-esteem a nd Self-consistency Congruence of College Students. Wang Fengzi,ChanW e nliang. Guangzhou Vocational & Technical Institute of Industry & Commerce,Guangz hou 510850, P.R.China
【Abstract】 Objective To explore the relationship of self consistencycongruence with individual self-esteem and collective self-esteem. Me th ods SCCS, SES and CSES were applied to investigated 189 college students.Relation analysis and multivariate stepwise return were used on the data. Results There was a significant difference befwecn collective self-e steem, a significant difference of economicsituation in self consistency congruence; self consistency congruence, individu al self-esteem, collective self-esteem and its dimensions negatively correlate dsignificantly with each other. Individual self-esteem, collective self-esteembo th got into the return equation of self consistency congruence. Conclusi on Indi vidual self-esteem was a mediator factor between collective self-esteem and se lf-consistency congruence. ......
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