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http://www.100md.com 2008年11月1日 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2008年第11期
     【摘要】 目的 探讨在特殊环境条件下常规训练的舰员经过长时间训练后, 其身心健康状况及其影响因素。方法 运用16PF、SCL-90、FS-14和自编的 意志品质量表等对71名男性成员进行心理测量与调查,然后进行统计检验。结果 长时间特殊环境下常规训练可以达 到磨练意志品质的目的,但对舰员身心健康影响较大,也使舰员处于疲劳状态;影响舰员身 心症状的因素主要与总疲劳、情绪稳定、稳定特质、舰艇适应、战友关系和意志品质有关。 结论 要注意解除舰员的疲劳,帮助他们形成融洽的集体氛围,端正入伍动 机,塑造他们良好的人格特质。

    【关键词】 舰员;人格;身心健康;影响因素

    A Study of Psychosomatic Health and Influence Factors of 71 Warship Crews.Duan Sizhu, Shen Xinghua, Liu Lei,et al.Base Hospital of 92458 Army Unit,Shang hai 200433,P.R.China

    【Abstract】 Objective To explore the situation of physical and psycho logical healthy and influence factors for 71 warship crews who living in specialenvironment after normal training .Methods To apply the question naires including 16PF, SCL- 90, FS-14 and the self-made one for the will power score to investigate and ana lyze the data from 82 male members. Results living and general tr aining in long-t erm special environment condition could improve thewill power of all of the me mbers, but it influence the apperception for physical and psychological health o f warship crews and they were easy to get fatigue. the sum of fatigue and be ina emotion clam and stabilize trait and warship adaptation etc that are main infl uence factors of physical and psychological healthy for 71 warship crews.Conclusion 71 warship crews should be paid more attention and to reli eve their fatigu e, to help them form group atmosphere in friendly terms, to take a correct activ ate towards enlist in the armed forces, to guide them to develop a well personal ities. ......
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