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http://www.100md.com 2009年3月15日 唐秀光 吴相慰 赖 文





    Investigation of quality of life and mental health of patients with chnic obstructive pulmonary diseases in community outpatient clinic.Tang Xiuguang,Wu Xiangwei,Lai Wen.(The outpatient departmet,Jiangbin Hospital,Nanning Guangxi 530021 China)

    【Abstract】 Objective:To explore the quality of life(QOL) and mental health status of patiemts with chronic odstructive pulmonary diseases(COPD) in community outpatient clinic.Methods:A total of 136 patients with COPD and 129 normal control subjects were tested with general quality of life inventory(GQOLI-74) and symptom checklist-90(SCL-90),self rating anxiety scale(SAS),self rating depression scale(SDS).Results:Health dimensional degree,psychological health dimensional degree,social functional degree of patients with COPD were lower than those of normal control subjects,which indicated significant difference(all P<0.01).Differences in the total score,somatization,anxiety,panic of SCL-90 and SAS score were significant between the groups(all P<0.01).Conclusion:The patients with COPD have worse QOL than the healthy people,which represented as anxiety,panie,depression and other emotional changes.Therefore,Comprehensive therapy can improve the QOL of patients.

    【Key Words】 Pulmonary;Disease;Questionnaire;Quality of life;Mental health status

    慢性阻塞性肺疾病(chronic obstructire pulmonary diseases,COPD)是一种不完全可逆的以气流受限为特征的肺疾病。随着病情进一步发展,肺通气功能受限致使患者的活动耐力下降,日常活动逐渐减少,最终脱离社会,严重影响生活质量[1]。为此,笔者对江滨医院管辖区内门诊中COPD患者生活质量及心理健康状态进行调查分析、比较,为提高COPD患者的生活质量、改善其整体健康水平提供科学依据。

    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料:COPD组选择2006年3月~2008年6月在江滨医院社区门诊就诊的COPD缓解期患者136例,诊断符合中华医学会2002年发表的《中国慢性阻塞性肺疾病诊治指南》[2]。排除支气管哮喘与慢性支气管炎和(或)肺气肿重叠或难以鉴别的患者、支气管扩张症、合并其他脏器严重疾病患者。其中男128例 ......
