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http://www.100md.com 2009年4月15日 史德莹 符攀峰 张胜亚





    100 cases of cleft lip and palate of white blood cell and platelet count of observing and analyzing.Shi Deying,Fu Panfeng,Zhang Shengya.(Stomatological hospital of Nan Yang,Henan 473000 China)

    【Abstract】Objective:To investigate the cleft lip ang palate WBC and PLT count and the difference between normal children and the cleft lip and palate.Methods:Random sampling our hospital out -patient medical examination comprising 100 cases of cleft lip and palate,observer group the focus of observation WBC and PLT count results.The control group used the third edition of the national clinical examination procedures and normal reference values of children.Satistics were done after treatment compared.Results:The outcome of children with cleft lip and palate WBC and PLT counts were significantly higher than the normal children.Conclusion:Children with Cleft Lip and Palate WBC and PLT counts higher than normal children with him (her) who labiopalatine is closely related to congenital malformations.Worthy of clinical subjects in the diagnosis of cleft lip and palate treated at a careful analysis.

    【Key Words】Cleft lip and palate;White blood cell;Platelet;Increased


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料:随机抽取我院门诊体检唇腭裂患儿100例,年龄0.5~5岁,男60例,女40例,无心、肺、肝、肾异常,作为观察组;以《全国临床检验操作规程》第3版的儿童正常参数[1]为对照组。

    1.2 检验方法:仪器:迈瑞BC-2000三分类血液细胞仪。试剂:迈瑞原厂配套试剂。参加省市间质评成绩满意,实验室内质量控制好,采指尖末梢全血,尽量快速准确,避免小儿哭闹,擦去第一滴血。完全按仪器说明书标准程序操作。

    1.3 统计学方法:检测所得数据用(x±s)表示,组间比较采用t检验,P<0.05有统计学意义。

    2 结果

    2.1 两组计量资料比较:见表1。

    2.2 统计结果比较:患儿WBC和PLT的均数均显著高于对照组儿童正常参数均值(P<0.05),有统计学意义。

    3 讨论

    3.1 唇腭裂患儿由于鼻腭部开放,容易感染,患者大部分来自农村,患儿家长健康意识差,往往使患儿长期处在慢性感染状态而不知。体检时发现血象升高不能手术时总是疑惑不解,检验人员需耐心解释,此为病理性升高。有些患儿因乘车不适引起WBC、PLT计数升高 ......
