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【中图分类号】R581.1【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1005-2720(2010)06 - 05 - 02
【摘要】目的 了解门诊甲亢病人睡眠质量及影响因素,提出家庭护理支持的建议,以提高病人睡眠质量。方法 采用睡眠状况自评量表(SRSS)和自制影响睡眠因素调查表,对门诊100例就诊病人进行问卷调查。结果 75%门诊病人存在不同程度的睡眠障碍。主要影响因素:身体不适、担心疾病、经济负担、噪声、夜间起床、医源性因素等。结论 甲亢病人睡眠质量明显低于健康人群,建议对病人进行家庭护理支持,可以提高其睡眠质量,促进疾病的康复。
【Abstract】Objective To explore the sleep quality of outpatients with hyperthyroidism and the factors in it. Methods Adopt SRSS and self-designed questionnaire for a survey on the factors in sleep quality. 100 outpatients are asked to do the SRSS and questionnaire. Results 75% of the outpatients in the survey are suffering sleep-disorder in different degrees ......