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【中图分类号】R512【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1005-2720(2010)07 - 09 - 02
【摘要】目的 探讨慢性肝炎患者配偶疲乏感发生率及影响因素,为实施心理护理提供依据。方法 运用一般状况调查问卷、疲劳量表(FS-14)、健康状况问卷(SF-36)等对69名健康人和73名慢性肝炎患者配偶进行调查分析。结果 患者配偶组FS-14得分在因子1和总分上显著高于健康人对照组,P<0.01; SF-36得分在一般健康状况和精力上显著低于健康人对照组,P<0.01;其疲劳感受医疗费用、既往健康状况、社会支持等因素影响。结论 慢性肝炎患者配偶疲乏感发生率高,应关注这一群体,有针对性进行护理干预。
Analysis of Fatigue and the Affecting Factors for Spouses of Chronic hepatitis patients
LI BingLI Shu-huiWang Xiao-wen
(Weihai Infectious Disease Hospital,Weihai Shandong264200)
【Abstract】Objective Research of spouses of chronic hepatitis patients on the probability of fatigue and the impacting factors. Methods Research and analysis on 69 healthy persons and 73 spouses of chronic hepatitis patients by ways of normal status questionnaire, fatigue measurement(FS-14), healthy questionnaire(SF-36). Results Scores of FS-14 in spouses of patients are obviously higher than others,P<0 ......