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http://www.100md.com 2016年4月1日 中国中医药信息 2016年第4期

    evidence suggests that Guipi Decoction is effective and relatively safe for patients with depression. However, because the quality of included research was low, more large-scale RCTs with multicenter and high quality are needed for further verification.

    Key words: Guipi Decoction; antidepressants; depression; systematic review; meta-analysis

    抑郁症又称抑郁障碍,是一种以心境低落、思维迟缓、意志活动减退等症状为特征的常见而多发的精神疾病,有较高的发病率及复发率。研究表明抑郁症的终生患病率为5.2%~16.2% ......
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