当前位置: 首页 > 医疗版 > 疾病专题 > 妇产科 > 妇科综合征及其它 > 多囊卵巢综合征
http://www.100md.com 2020年3月1日 《中国中医药信息杂志》 20203
     摘要:目的 探討多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)患者不同中医证型及月经周期的脉图特征,以期为脉图应用于PCOS临床诊治提供客观依据。方法 利用上海中医药大学与上海亚太计算机集团联合研制的Z-BOX型脉象仪采集58例PCOS患者脉图信息,选取主波幅最高、三峰起伏明显、升支陡峭无切迹脉,对患者不同中医证型、不同月经周期脉图参数进行分析。结果 与正常组比较,PCOS组脉图参数h3/h1、w/t增高(P<0.01),参数w增高(P<0.05),参数h4、h4/h1、t4降低(P<0.05)。与肝郁脾虚证组比较,痰瘀互结证组脉图参数t1、t、w降低(P<0.05),参数t5降低(P<0.01);肾虚血瘀证组脉图参数w降低(P<0.01)。增生期的脉图参数h4/h1、t4高于月经期(P<0.05),参数t5低于分泌期(P<0.05)。结论 PCOS患者不同证型、不同月经周期对脉图特征有一定影响,可为PCOS患者的临床诊治提供一定的脉图参数依据。

, 百拇医药
    中图分类号:R271.917.51 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5304(2020)03-0019-05


Analysis on Pulse Graph Characteristics of Different TCM Syndrome Types and Menstrual Cycle in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

FENG Lu, XU Zhaoxia, QIAN Peng, SONG Xueyang, GUO Rui, WANG Yiqin

School of Basic Medical Sciences, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China
, 百拇医药
    Abstract: Objective To explore the pulse graph characteristics of different TCM syndromes types and menstrual cycle in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS); To provide objective basis for the application of pulse graph in the diagnosis and treatment of PCOS. Methods Pulse graph information of 58 patients with PCOS was collected by Z-BOX pulse meter developed by Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Shanghai Asia Pacific Computer Group. The highest main amplitude was chosen; the three obvious peaks were undulating; the ascending branch was steep and there was no incision pulse. The pulse parameters of different TCM syndrome types and different menstrual cycles were analyzed. Results Compared with the normal group, the parameters h3/h1 and w/t of PCOS group increased (P<0.01), parameter w increased (P<0.05), and parameters h4, h4/h1, and t4 decreased (P<0.05). Compared with liver depression and spleen deficiency syndrome, pulse graph parameters t1, t and w of turbid phlegm and blood stasis syndrome decreased (P<0.05), parameter t5 decreased (P<0.01), and parameter w decreased in kidney deficiency and blood stasis syndrome (P<0.01). Pulse graph parameters h4/h1 and t4 in proliferative phase were higher than menstrual period (P<0.05), and parameter t5 was lower than secretory phase (P<0.05). Conclusion PCOS patients with different syndromes types and different menstrual cycle have certain effects on pulse graph characteristics, which can provide references of pulse graph parameters for clinical diagnosis and treatment of PCOS., 百拇医药(冯路 许朝霞 钱鹏 宋雪阳 郭睿 王忆勤)

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