【摘 要】 目的 通过对已婚妇女关于宫颈细胞学检查认知程度的调查并对其结果进行分析,为宫颈癌防治工作提供针对性策略。方法 本调查为非实验性研究,采用自行设计的调查表,对200例来院体检的已婚妇女进行宫颈细胞学检查认知程度的问卷调查。结果 已婚妇女对宫颈细胞学检查的认知程度较低,其中学历越低认知程度越低,农村比城市低。结论提高对宫颈细胞学检查重要性的认识,加强宣传力度,建立和完善健康管理是宫颈癌防治工作的重中之重。【关键词】 宫颈细胞学检查;认知;对策
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate and analyze cognition level on cervical cytological examination of married women so as to provide targeted strategy for prevetion and control of cervical cancer. Methods The survy was a non-experimental study .A self-designed questionnaire was used to investigate cognition level on cervical cytological examination of 200 married women.Results The cognition level on cervical cytological examination of married women was relatively low.The lower of education background ,the lower of cognition level .The cognition level of the women in countryside was lower than that in city.Conclusion Enhancing the recognition on cervical cytological examination, strengthening propagation, and establishing and improving health management should be given primary importance among priorities of prevetion and control of cervical cancer. ......
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