摘 要 让良药不再苦口是药剂从业人员长期不懈的追求。本文综述近年来矫味和掩味技术的研究进展,重点关注其在口溶片、咀嚼分散片、口崩片、口崩小丸和缓释干混悬剂等口服新剂型中的应用。
关键词矫味 掩味 口溶片 咀嚼分散片 口崩片 口崩小丸 缓释干混悬剂
中图分类号:R943 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2011)05-0252-04
The progress and applications of flavoring and taste masking technologies in new oral dosage forms
(National Pharmaceutical Engineering Research Center,Shanghai Institute of Pharmaceutical Industry,Shanghai,200437)
ABSTRACTThe progress of flavoring and taste masking technologies is reviewed, which focuses on their applications in new oral dosage forms including mouth dissolving tablets, chewable dispersion tablets, orally disintegrating tablets, melt-in-mouth pellets and extended release for oral suspension.
KEY WORDSflavoring;taste masking;mouth dissolving tablets;orally disintegrating tablets;chewable dispersion tablets;melt-in-mouth pellets;extended release for oral suspension
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