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http://www.100md.com 2013年3月15日 胡蓉菲 许萍 陈洁 汪晓虹 王怡


     摘 要 目的:评价超声弹性成像各参数在乳腺良、恶性病灶鉴别诊断中的价值。方法:对300个乳腺病灶的弹性图像进行弹性分级评定、面积比和应变率比值的测定(分别取与病灶同层的正常腺体及病灶旁皮下脂肪为参照组织测得应变率比值SR1和SR2),并对照其术后病理结果(恶性120个,良性180个),对各弹性参数的良、恶性诊断临界值及诊断率进行统计学分析评价。结果:弹性图像分级、面积比和应变率比值在乳腺良、恶性病灶组间均有显著差异(P<0.01),以弹性分级≥3级为恶性诊断标准,其诊断敏感性为94.2%,特异性为81.1%,准确性为86.3%;以面积比1.20为良、恶性病灶鉴别诊断的临界值,其敏感性、特异性和准确性分别为92.5%、80.6%、83.0%;分别以2.44和2.7作为SR1、SR2临界值进行良、恶性鉴别诊断,其诊断准确性分别为77.3%和72.7%。结论:超声弹性成像各参数在乳腺良、恶性肿块的鉴别诊断中均具有一定的诊断意义,其中以弹性分级和面积比参数的诊断价值较高。

    关键词 弹性成像 弹性分级 面积比 应变率比值 乳腺病变

    中图分类号:R737.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2013)06-0031-04

    Value of different parameters of ultrasound

    elastography in the diagnosis of breast lesions

    HU Rongfei, XU Ping, CHEN Jie, WANG Xiaohong,WANG Yi

    (Ultrasound Division, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200040, China)

    ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the value of different parameters of ultrasound elastography in the differentiating diagnosis of breast lesions. Method: Three hundred breast lesions, 180 malignant and 120 benign ones which were confirmed by pathological results were examined with elastographic ultrasound preoperatively. The elasticity mark, the area ratio and the strain ratio(SR1 and SR2 were calculated using the reference of normal breast tissue of the same-level with the lesion and the subcutaneous fat tissue respectively)of all the breast lesions were recorded. Then their critical value and the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy were analyzed statistically. Result: Statistical differences were found in the aspects of elasticity mark ......
