摘 要 本文结合华氏大药房有限公司的管理经验,从人力资源的招聘与配置、培训、薪酬与绩效及劳动关系管理等方面作一综述,探讨中国零售连锁药店的人力资源管理模式。关键词 连锁药店 人力资源 管理模式
中图分类号:F721.7; F715.2 文献标识码:C 文章编号:1006-1533(2015)03-0062-03
ABSTRACT The various aspects in human resource, such as recruitment and deployment, training, performance and compensation and labor relations were reviewed by combining the management experience of Shanghai Huashi Pharmacy Co. Ltd., so as to discuss the management mode of human resource in chain drugstores of China.
KEY WORDS chain drugstore; human resource; management mode
中国的零售连锁药店发展至今对人才的需求量很大 ......
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