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http://www.100md.com 2015年3月15日 上海医药 2015年第6期
     摘 要 甲状腺结节是普外科常见病,近年来,在健康体检中超声探查发现其发病率(包括甲状腺癌)有逐年增加趋势。甲状腺结节的发生与患者年龄、性别、碘摄入量、遗传因素、放射线接触史、自身免疫等因素有关。本文综述甲状腺结节在超声图像中的表现及非手术和手术治疗进展。

    关键词 甲状腺结节 诊断 治疗

    中图分类号:R736.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2015)06-0007-04

    ABSTRACT Thyroid nodule is a common disease of general surgery. Recently, the incidence of thyroid nodule (including the thyroid carcinoma )has increaed year by year in the physical examination by ultrasonic scan. The occurrence of thyroid nodule is related to factors such as age ......
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