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http://www.100md.com 2015年3月15日 上海医药 2015年第6期
     摘 要 目的:通过家庭医生制度的实施,更好地完善老年人的健康管理模式。方法:在家庭医生签约工作中,以老年人为重点签约对象,通过不断完善老年人健康档案信息化建设,奠定家庭医生有的放矢地开展老年健康保健管理的基础,并按照老年人的健康需要,进行个性化、有针对性的分类管理服务。结果:家庭医生签约率为27.73%,其中老年人签约率近70.00%,老年人健康档案建档率达90.00%以上,为50.00%的老年人进行了健康体检,为近50.00%的老年人进行了肺炎疫苗的接种和结直肠癌筛查,为5.00%的老年人进行了中医体质辨识服务。结论:家庭医生在促进老年人健康管理方面起到了很好的作用。

    关键词 家庭医生 老年人 健康管理

    中图分类号:R197.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2015)06-0014-03

    ABSTRACT Objective: Through the implementation of the family doctor’s system, to improve the health management model of the elderly people better. Methods: The health and family planning commission of Changning District explored the family doctor’s work since 2009. In the signing contract by the family doctors, the elderly people were the key objects. Through constantly improving the construction of their health file information, the foundation for the implementation of the elderly health care management was laid that made the family doctors had a definite object. The personalized and targeted management service was classified and implemented according to the elderly health requirement. Results: The signed contract rate of the family doctors was 27.73 percent in which 70 percent was the elderly. The establishment rate of the elderly health records reached above 90 percent and 50 percent of the elderly had the health examination, nearly 50 percent of them were vaccinated with the pneumonia vaccine and had the colorectal cancer screening and 5 percent were served the physical identification by Chinese medicine. Conclusion: The family doctors play a good role in promoting the health management for the elderly.
, 百拇医药
    KEY WORDS family doctor; elderly people; health management

    上海市长宁区的区域面积为37.19 km2,管辖区内有9个街道和1个镇,户籍人口62.65万人,60岁以上人口为15.78万人,占全区户籍人口的25.2%,平均期望寿命83.56岁,是一个老年化的城区。随着老年人口的迅速增加,老年性疾病日益突出,为老年人开展健康保健服务是社区卫生的重要内容。长宁区政府大力支持老年健康保健工作,历年来加大投入,政府各相关部门紧密配合,形成了很好的机制体制。2009年,长宁区率先在全市探索全科服务团队下的家庭医生制度,为每个居委会配备了一名家庭医生和助手,以社区老年人为签约服务重点对象,为完善老年人健康档案信息化建设及有的放矢地开展老年健康保健奠定了基础,并按照老年人的健康需要,进行个性化、有针对性的分类管理服务,为做好老年健康管理提供有效措施。家庭医生通过与老年人建立稳定、有序、连续服务的健康保健关系,对老年人的健康实行全程管理。
, 百拇医药






    家庭医生引导签约老人到对接的家庭医生处进行首诊,为他们提供常见病和多发病诊疗、健康生活行为指导及慢性病管理的“防治一体”预约门诊;根据病情需要,家庭医生可以通过工作站的转诊平台实施分诊和逐级转诊。对转诊到上级医疗机构的签约老人,及时跟踪诊疗情况;对其中转诊回社区的签约老人落实出院随访和后续服务,实现签约老人诊疗服务和诊疗信息的连续性[2]。, 百拇医药(吴军 徐蕾)
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