摘 要 以客户为中心的企业模式变革已成为制药企业适应医药行业新常态的应对之道。本文结合国内外的满意度测评理论,从目的、定义、方法和应用等角度介绍其理念,对国内制药企业的客户满意度研究提供启发和借鉴。
关键词 制药行业 客户满意度 满意度评测
中图分类号:F713.3 文献标识码:C 文章编号:1006-1533(2015)21-0064-05
Study on customer satisfaction of pharmaceutical industry
GUI Jing
( Shanghai Phamaceuticals Holding Co., Ltd. , Shanghai 200020 , China)
ABSTRACT The “customer centered business model” has become the method of pharmaceutical enterprises to adapt to the new normal of the pharmaceutical industry. Combing domestic and international customer satisfaction measurement theory ......
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