摘 要 偏差处理是GMP管理的关键要素,也是GMP执行过程中的难点之一。科学地进行偏差调查并合理制定相应的纠正和预防措施是药品生产、质量管理过程中能够严格执行GMP的保障之一。本文通过对药品生产过程中的偏差处理流程和偏差处理的要点及难点进行综述性的讨论,对药品生产、检验过程中的偏差处理方法提供建议,对GMP执行过程中的重要因素——偏差处理进行了详尽的解读和分析。关键词 偏差处理 GMP 纠正和预防措施 风险评估
中图分类号:R951 文献标识码:C 文章编号:1006-1533(2016)11-0074-04
Deviation handling for the pharmaceutical manufacturing process
YU Qinghua, ZHANG Xuan
(Shanghai Shyndec Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Shanghai 200137, China)
ABSTRACT Deviation handling is a key factor of GMP management and one of the difficult points in the process of GMP implementation. Scientific deviation investigation and reasonable CAPAs can ensure that the GMP would be strictly carried out. This article discusses deviation procedure and key and difficult points of deviation handling in drug manufacturing process ......
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