摘 要 目的:探讨生物反馈和电刺激治疗非溃疡型间质性膀胱炎/膀胱疼痛综合征(IC/PBS)的疗效。方法:选择2015年1月至6月非溃疡型女性IC/PBS患者30例,进行生物反馈盆底肌肉电刺激,每天1次,每次20~30 min,5次为1个疗程。所有患者均随访6个月以上。记录患者治疗前后O’Leary-Sant间质性膀胱炎症状指数(ICSI)评分、间质性膀胱炎问题指数(ICPI)评分、盆腔疼痛和尿急/尿频症状(PUF)评分、24 h排尿次数和平均每次排尿量。结果:治疗后1周及1、3、6个月的症状缓解率分别为76.7%(23/30)、66.7%(20/30)、53.3%(16/30)和23.3%(7/30);ICSI评分、ICPI评分、PUF评分、24 h排尿次数均显著低于治疗前(P<0.05),平均每次排尿量增加,与治疗前比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗期间未发生明显不良事件。结论:生物反馈电刺激治疗非溃疡型IC/PBS安全、有效,但远期疗效有待进一步观察。
关键词 生物反馈 电刺激 间质性膀胱炎/膀胱疼痛综合征 非溃疡
中图分类号:R694+.3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2016)16-0006-03
Efficacy of biofeedback and electrical stimulation in the treatment of non-ulcer interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome
YIN Qingtong1,LV Jianwei2,JIANG Chen2,LV Tingting2,FU Qibo2(1. Department of Urology, Shanghai Pudong Hospital, Pudong Medical Center affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai 201399, China;2. Department of Urology, South Campus of Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 201112, China)
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of biofeedback and electrical stimulation in the treatment of nonulcer interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome(IC/PBS). Methods: Thirty female patients with non-ulcer IC/PBS were enrolled from Jan. to June 2015, and were treated by biofeedback and electrical stimulation of pelvic floor muscles once daily for 20 to 30 minutes, five times as a course. All patients were followed-up for more than 6 months. The O’Leary-Sant interstitial cystitis patient symptom index(ICSI)score, the interstitial cystitis patient problem index (ICPI)score, pelvic pain and urgency/frequency(PUF)patient symptom scale, micturition frequency in 24 hrs and mean volume per void were recorded before and after the treatment. Results: The remission rates of symptoms were 76.7%( 23/30) , 66.7%( 20/30) , 53.3%( 16/30) a n d 23.3%( 7/30) after the treatment for 1 week and the 1st, 3rd and 6th months, respectively. The scores of ICSI, ICPI and PUF, the micturition frequency in 24 hrs were significantly lower than those before the treatment(P<0.05). The average voiding volume increased compared to that before the treatment (P<0.05). No serious adverse event was observed during the treatment. Conclusion: Biofeedback electrical stimulation is safe and effective in the treatment of non-ulcer IC/PBS, but the long-term efficacy should be observed further more..
KEY WORDS biofeedback; electrical stimulation; interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome; non-ulcer (伊庆同 吕坚伟 蒋晨 吕婷婷 傅琦博)
关键词 生物反馈 电刺激 间质性膀胱炎/膀胱疼痛综合征 非溃疡
中图分类号:R694+.3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2016)16-0006-03
Efficacy of biofeedback and electrical stimulation in the treatment of non-ulcer interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome
YIN Qingtong1,LV Jianwei2,JIANG Chen2,LV Tingting2,FU Qibo2(1. Department of Urology, Shanghai Pudong Hospital, Pudong Medical Center affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai 201399, China;2. Department of Urology, South Campus of Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 201112, China)
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of biofeedback and electrical stimulation in the treatment of nonulcer interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome(IC/PBS). Methods: Thirty female patients with non-ulcer IC/PBS were enrolled from Jan. to June 2015, and were treated by biofeedback and electrical stimulation of pelvic floor muscles once daily for 20 to 30 minutes, five times as a course. All patients were followed-up for more than 6 months. The O’Leary-Sant interstitial cystitis patient symptom index(ICSI)score, the interstitial cystitis patient problem index (ICPI)score, pelvic pain and urgency/frequency(PUF)patient symptom scale, micturition frequency in 24 hrs and mean volume per void were recorded before and after the treatment. Results: The remission rates of symptoms were 76.7%( 23/30) , 66.7%( 20/30) , 53.3%( 16/30) a n d 23.3%( 7/30) after the treatment for 1 week and the 1st, 3rd and 6th months, respectively. The scores of ICSI, ICPI and PUF, the micturition frequency in 24 hrs were significantly lower than those before the treatment(P<0.05). The average voiding volume increased compared to that before the treatment (P<0.05). No serious adverse event was observed during the treatment. Conclusion: Biofeedback electrical stimulation is safe and effective in the treatment of non-ulcer IC/PBS, but the long-term efficacy should be observed further more..
KEY WORDS biofeedback; electrical stimulation; interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome; non-ulcer (伊庆同 吕坚伟 蒋晨 吕婷婷 傅琦博)