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http://www.100md.com 2018年3月25日 《上海医药》 2018年第9期
     摘 要 从质量风险管理的角度上,结合实例探讨如何识别化妆品原料的相关风险,并提出了相应的管控策略。

    关键词 化妆品 原料 质量风险管理

    中图分类号:TQ04; F402.3 文献标志码:C 文章编号:1006-1533(2018)09-0054-03

    The control strategy for cosmetic raw materials based on quality risk management

    YIN Beipei*

    (Center for Drug Evaluation and Certification, Shanghai Food and Drug Administration, Shanghai 200020, China)

    ABSTRACT Case studies on how to identify the risks associated with cosmetic raw materials were described from the perspective of quality risk management and the corresponding control strategies were also proposed.

    KEy WORDS cosmetic; raw materials; quality risk management

    化妆品是由各种作用不同的原料按照一定的配方比例及生产工艺加工制得的混合物[1] ......
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