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http://www.100md.com 2018年8月5日 《上海医药》 2018年第22期
     摘 要 目的:分析创伤患者流行病学特征,为预防创伤发生提供科学依据。方法:回顾分析2013年1月至2016年1月上海瑞金医院北院急诊外科收治的17 093例创伤患者临床资料,包括创伤患者性别、年龄、学历、病情严重度、原因等。结果:17 093例创伤患者中,男性11 165例(65.32%),女性5 928名(34.68%)。25~34岁是创伤发病率最高年龄段。高中及以下學历的外来务工人员为创伤高发群体。在创伤患者中,轻症创伤患者12 563名(73.50%),重症创伤患者4 273名(25.0%),严重创伤患者256名(1.50%)。死亡1 179名(6.90%),24小时内死亡患者274例,占死亡患者78.38%。死亡主要原因是交通事故伤和坠落伤。在9~11时和14~16时出现两个发生创伤的高峰时段,秋季和冬季发生率较高。结论:低学历的外来务工者是创伤高发群体,交通事故伤和坠落伤是主要的死亡原因。

    关键词 创伤;流行病学;特征; 急诊

    中图分类号:R64 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2018)22-0041-04

    Epidemiological characteristics of emergency trauma in a hospital in Shanghai

    WANG Renying, WANG Yunxing, ZHANG Jing(Emergency Department of Ruijin Hospital North affiliated to Medical School of Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 201801, China)

    ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of trauma patients to provide scientific evidence for the prevention of trauma occurrence. Methods: The clinical data of 17 093 trauma patients admitted to the Emergency Department of Ruijin Hospital North from January 2013 to January 2016 were retrospectively analyzed, including trauma patients’ sex, age, education, severity, causes, etc. Results: Among 17 093 trauma patients, 11 165 were male (65.32%) and 5 928 were female (34.68%). 25~34 years old was the highest age group with the highest incidence of trauma. Migrant workers with high school and below high school education were the group with high incidence of trauma. Among the trauma patients, 12 563(73.50%) were mild trauma patients, 4 273 (25.0%) were severe trauma patients, and 256 (1.50%) were seriously severe-injury patients. There were 1 179 deaths (6.90%) and 274 deaths within 24 hours, accounting for 78.38% of deaths. The main causes of death were traffic accidents and fall injuries. There were two peak hours of trauma at 9-11 am and 2-4 pm, and the incidence was higher in autumn and winter. Conclusion: Low-educated migrant workers are the group with high incidence of trauma. Traffic accident and fall injuries are the main causes of death.

    KEY WORDS traumatic injury; epidemiology; characteristics; emergency

    创伤为机械因素加于人体所造成的组织或器官的破坏,是导致死亡的第三大原因,是40岁以下青壮年的第一位死亡原因,也是致残的重要因素[1]。2006年,美国超过2 900万人因创伤性损伤而急诊就诊,超过179 000人死于创伤[2]。创伤给患者本人、家庭和社会带来沉重的生活和经济负担[3-5]。创伤的发病率在低收入和中等收入国家日渐增高[6-7]。近年来,随着中国的交通事业迅猛发展,创伤及相关的死亡事件显著增加。上海瑞金医院北院位于嘉定新城,嘉定新城位于上海西北部,是城市和乡村结合区域,有三条高速公路穿过,与江苏省相邻。本文旨在分析急诊科创伤患者的流行病学特点,为有效的预防创伤措施提供科学依据。

    1 资料与方法

    1.1 资料来源

    瑞金医院北院2012年12月正式日间运行,2013年8月5日急诊24 h正式运行。通过医院的检验管理系统(Laboratory information Management System,LIS)收集2013年1月至2016年1月所有创伤患者数据,收集的关键词是“创伤”、“急性疼痛”、“坠落伤”和“车祸伤”。损伤患者的纳入诊断标准:有准确完整的病史记录,明确外伤史、临床症状和体征、以及影像学诊断。排除14岁以下儿童。共收集17 093例有效信息入选本研究。本研究经上海交通大学医学院瑞金医院北院伦理委员会批准。, 百拇医药(王仁颖 王运兴 张静)
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