摘 要 对近1年多来上海市浦东新区进口非特殊用途化妆品的备案情况进行了汇总,对后续备案工作的开展提出建议。关键词 化妆品 进口非特殊用途 网上备案
中图分类号:F741.1 文献标志码:C 文章编号:1006-1533(2019)19-0068-03
Analysis on the online filing situation of the import of non-special use cosmetics in Pudong New Area of Shanghai
LI Cong*, YANG Jiao, LIU Shu**
(Center for Drug Evaluation and Certification of Shanghai Food and Drug Administration, Shanghai 200020, China)
ABSTRACT The filing situation of import of non-special-purpose cosmetics in Pudong New Area of Shanghai in the past year was summarized. Some suggestions for the further improvement of the filing work were also proposed.
KEy WORDS cosmetics; imported non-special use; online filing
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