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http://www.100md.com 2020年2月23日 2020年第17期

    摘 要 医药人文教育与医药专业教育协同作用,是培养高素质医药专业人才不可缺少的重要组成部分。医药人文教育是大人文教育,它包含敬畏生命、同情病患、守护健康的人文精神,也包括体现医药问题社会性和公共性的社会科学思想。医药人文教育借助医药人文课程体系通过默会功能,使医药类学生在历史与现实的感悟中将职业信仰和职业价值观内化于心,外化于行,知行合一。

    关键词 医药人文教育 内涵 特性 功能 课程设置

    中图分类号:G641 文献标志码:C 文章编号:1006-1533(2020)17-0047-03


    The connotation of medical humanities education and its curriculum setting*

    ZHOU JUN**

    (Zhejiang Pharmaceutical College, Zhejiang Ningbo 315100, China)

    ABSTRACT The synergetic effect of medical humanistic education and medical professional education is an indispensable part of cultivating high-quality medical professionals. Medical humanistic education is a big humanistic education, which includes not only the humanistic spirit of respecting life, sympathizing with patients and protecting health, but also the social science thought that reflects the sociality and publicity of medical problems. With the help of the medical humanities curriculum system and the tacit function, medical college students internalize their professional beliefs and values in history and reality ......

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