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http://www.100md.com 2020年2月23日 2020年第17期
     茅为 赵海涛 丁盛 王兵

    摘 要 目的:筛选富马酸酮替芬片的处方,制备与参比制剂具有相同质量及生物利用度的自制片。方法:以溶出曲线评价结果,筛选原料药粒径和各辅料用量并考察原辅料混合方式和制粒时间等工艺参数。结果:确定富马酸酮替芬原料药及各辅料的用量,采用“一锅法”进行原辅料混合,3批采用验证工艺生产的富马酸酮替芬自制片与参比制剂质量相近且生物等效。结论:本实验筛选的处方和工艺能保证自制片质量与参比制剂一致。

    关键词 富马酸酮替芬片 处方筛选 工艺研究 生物等效

    中图分类号:R976; R944.4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2020)17-0059-06

    Study on the formulation and process of ketotifen fumarate tablet and its human bioequivalence

    MAO Wei*, ZHAO Haitiao, DING Sheng**, WANG Bing

    (Changzhou Pharmaceutical Factory Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Changzhou 213000, China)

    ABSTRACT Objective: To study the formulation of ketotifen fumarate tablets in order to prepare home-made tablets having the similar bioequivalence to the reference preparation. Methods: The amount of active pharmaceutical ingredient and all excipients was screened out based on the in vitro dissolution behavior ......

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