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http://www.100md.com 2020年2月23日 2020年第17期
     王艳艳 刘长河 葛文静 李华妮

    摘 要 目的:比较感冒清热颗粒挥发油包合物的3种不同制备方法,筛选最佳的制备工艺。 方法:以挥发油包合率、包合物收得率综合评分为指标,采用正交试验方法对饱和溶液法、研磨法和超声法包合挥发油的工艺进行比较。 结果:饱和溶液法包合率和收得率分别为90.0%和78.8%;研磨法包合率和收得率分别为91.1%和73.3%;超声法包合率和收得率分别为74.3%和72.9%。 结论:研磨法制备挥发油包合物具有时间短、包合率和收得率较高的特点,优于饱和溶液法和超声法,并且包合物具有一定的抗光照性、热及湿稳定性。

    关键词 感冒清热颗粒 挥发油 β-环糊精 包合工艺

    中图分类号:R283 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2020)17-0065-06


    Comparative study on the process of including volatile oil from Ganmaoqingre granules with β-cyclodextrin and its stability*

    WANG Yanyan**, LIU Changhe***, GE Wenjing, LI Huani

    (Henan Provincial Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Zhengzhou 450004, China)

    ABSTRACT Objective: Three different methods for the preparation of volatile oil inclusion compound of Ganmaoqingre granules were compared and the best one was screened out. Methods: The processes for the volatile oil inclusion prepared by saturated solution method ......

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