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http://www.100md.com 2021年3月18日 2021年第3期
     吴宗芳 华玲

    摘 要 肠梗阻是一种临床常见的急腹症,严重威胁着患者的身心健康及生命安全。近年来,中医在肠梗阻治疗中有众多的研究探索,其中芒硝的作用尤为明显,能够起到改善患者腹痛、腹胀、呕吐等症状,提高临床疗效。本文综述近年来中药芒硝在肠梗阻治疗中的作用,以期为中医药治疗肠梗阻提供依据。

    关键词 芒硝 肠梗阻 中药

    中图分类号:R282.76; R259 文献标志碼:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2021)03-0033-02


    Research progress of mirabilite in the treatment of ileus*

    WU Zongfang**, HUA Ling***(Department of Internal Medicine, Fangta Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Songjiang District, Shanghai 201600, China)

    ABSTRACT Intestinal obstruction is a common acute abdominal disease, which can seriously threaten the physical and mental health and life safety of patients. In recent years, there have been numerous studies on the treatment of ileus with Chinese medicine, among which mirabilite plays a particularly significant role in improving the symptoms of abdominal pain ......

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