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http://www.100md.com 2021年8月11日 2021年第12期
     慕开达 张进安

    摘 要 2020年,美国糖尿病学会结合当前临床证据,推出了新版糖尿病诊疗标准。新标准强调糖尿病患者的个体化诊疗,对不同2型糖尿病人群诊疗路径进行了更加详细的分类。本文就新版标准中几大常见特殊人群的2型糖尿病降糖治疗新路径进行解读。

    关键词 2型糖尿病;新标准;降糖治疗;个体化治疗

    中图分类号:R587.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2020)12-0007-04

    The new path for the hypoglycemic treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus

    MU Kaida, ZHANG Jinan

    (Department of Endocrinology and Rheumatology, Zhoupu Hospital affiliated to Shanghai University of Medicine & Health Sciences, Shanghai 201318, China)

    ABSTRACT In 2020, based on current clinical evidence, the American Diabetes Association published the new version of diabetes diagnosis and treatment standard. The new standard emphasizes the individualized treatment for patients with diabetes, and makes a more detailed classification of diagnosis and treatment pathways of different type 2 diabetes groups. This article interprets the new pathway for the treatment of type 2 diabetes in the new standard for several common special populations.

    KEY WORDS type 2 diabetes; new standard; hypoglycemic treatment; individualized therapy

    随着糖尿病循证医学证据的不断更新,美国糖尿病学会(American Diabetes Association ......

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