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http://www.100md.com 2021年8月11日 2021年第12期
     姬文慧 华宇 王海琴 金辉华 方宁远 王占成

    摘 要 吴茱萸是芸香科植物吴茱萸的近成熟果实,是中药降压药的常用成分,也是中药贴敷穴位治疗高血压的常用中药。吴茱萸含有吴茱萸碱和吴茱萸次碱等多种活性成分,对心血管、消化和免疫以及中枢神经等多个系统有调节作用。高血压患者服药种类多、次数多、担心药物不良反应等因素影响治疗顺应性,是血压控制率较低的原因之一。探索科学有效、简便经济的治疗手段,在提高血压控制率、减少高血压并发症发生和发展中有重要意义。全文综述中药吴茱萸贴敷穴位在心血管疾病特别是高血压治疗中的作用。

    关键词 高血压;吴茱萸;贴敷穴位

    中图分类号:R54 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2021)12-0040-05

    Clinical application of acupoint application of evodia rutaecarpa in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases

    JI Wenhui1, HUA Yu2, WANG Haiqin1, JIN Huihua1, FANG Ningyuan3, WANG Zhancheng4(1. Department of General Practice of Huajing Community Health Service Center of Xuhui District, Shanghai 200231, China; 2. Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Huajing Community Health Service Center of Xuhui District, Shanghai 200231, China; 3. Department of Geriatrics of Renji Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200001, China; 4. Department of Cardiovascular of Shanghai Eighth Peoples Hospital, Shanghai 200235, China)

    ABSTRACT Evodia rutaecarpa is the nearly mature fruit of the Rutaceae plant Evodia, and it is not only a common component of Chinese medicine antihypertensive drugs ......

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