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http://www.100md.com 2021年8月11日 2021年第13期
     朱剑敏 朱海青

    摘 要 针对上海中医药大学临床专业的小学期中药房实践的教学群体,设计了以发挥学生实践参与的主观能动性为前提,开展小学期中药房实践的兴趣教学,从而达到提高实践教学效果的终极目标。

    关键词 建构主义理论 意义建构 “三明治”教学法 直观教学法 形成性考核

    中图分类号:G642.45 文献标志码:C 文章编号:1006-1533(2021)13-0059-04

    Interest teaching in pharmacy practice in elementary school

    ZHU Jianmin, ZHU Haiqing(Teaching and Research Section of Pharmacy-Laboratory Research, Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 200071, China)

    ABSTRACT Aiming at the teaching group of clinical specialty pharmacy practice in the primary school of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, this paper designs the interest teaching of pharmacy practice in primary school from the premise of giving play to the subjective initiative of students practical participation, so as to achieve the ultimate goal of improving practical teaching effect.

    KEy WORDS constructivist theory; meaning construction; sandwich teaching; intuitive teaching; formative assessment

    自2010年起,上海中醫药大学组织附属教学医院针对小学期中药房实践的教学模式进行改革。经过这几个学年的教学实践,通过对历届学生的实践效果的调研 ......

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