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http://www.100md.com 2021年9月7日 2021年第15期

    摘 要 药品检查员职业化是推动药品检查高质量发展、落实药品监管的重要抓手,本文以药品检查员职业化改革为目标,分析目前药品检查员队伍职业化过程中存在的问题,通过对法官员额制改革的特征进行研究,挖掘法官队伍去行政化、制度化、专业化的核心手段,提出药品检查员职业化改革路径。

    关键词 法官员额制 药品检查员 职业化

    中图分类号:R951 文献标志码:C 文章编号:1006-1533(2021)15-0065-04

    The enlightenment of the reform of judge post system to the professionalization of drug inspector

    CAO Jiacheng

    (Jiangsu Food and Drug Administration Certification Evaluation Center, Nanjing 210002, China)

    ABSTRACT The professionalization of drug inspector is an important hand in promoting the development of high quality of drug inspection and implementing drug supervision. This paper aims at the reform of drug inspector professionalization, analyzes the existing problems in the process of drug inspectors professionalization, studies the characteristics of judges post system reform, excavates the core means of judges deadministration, institutionalization and specialization, and puts forward the path of professionalization reform of drug inspector.

    KEY WORDS judge system; drug inspector; professionalization

    药品检查是药品监督管理部门为保证药品的安全性、有效性和质量稳定性 ......

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