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http://www.100md.com 2021年10月9日 2021年第16期

    摘 要 目的:了解上海某高校大學生对肺结核病防治知识知晓情况的现状,探讨微信平台对某高校学生进行结核病防治知识健康教育的效果,为高校开展肺结核防控提供新思路、新方法。方法:随机抽取上海市某高校在校大学生参与调查。将大学4个年级分成4层,在各层内随机抽取8个系,每个系中再随机抽取2个班级,并将同一年级同一系的2个班级随机分成对照组和干预组。最终375名学生纳入前后比较分析,干预组有195名学生,平均年龄(19.53±1.34)岁,其中男生84名,女生111名;对照组180名学生,平均年龄(19.40±1.20)岁,其中男生95名,女生85名。对干预组使用微信平台干预,给对照组发放校园肺结核防治手册进行干预。干预为期3个月,比较两组的知晓率、正确态度率和正确行为率。结果:微信平台干预有效地提升上海某高校学生的结核病核心知识知晓情况和结核病相关的正确行为率,对结核病相关态度无显著影响。结论:上海某高校对肺结核病防治知识知晓情况较低,微信平台可作为结核病健康教育的新方法。

    关键词 肺结核;大学生;健康教育;知信行

    中图分类号:R183 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2021)16-0058-05

    Evaluation of the effect of WeChat platform on tuberculosis health education for students in a university in Shanghai

    LU Qingwei(Public Health Department of Jiangchuan Community Health Service Center of Minhang District, Shanghai 200240, China)

    ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the current situation of knowledge about tuberculosis prevention and control among the students in a certain university in Shanghai and provide new ideas and new methods for the students in a certain university to carry out tuberculosis prevention and control. Methods: The students from a university in Shanghai were randomly selected to participate in the survey. The 4 grades of the university were divided into 4 layers to randomly select 8 departments in each layer ......

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