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http://www.100md.com 2022年3月5日 2022年第3期

    摘 要 规范的临床研究设计应遵循循证医学PICO原则。PICO原则为研究对象(participants)、干预措施(interventions)、对照(comparisons)和结果/结局(outcomes)英语单词的首字母缩写,其中心思想与临床流行病学研究核心内容“临床科研设计、衡量和评价”(design, measurement and evaluation in clinical research, DME)一致。PICO原则是指导临床医学研究设计,保障其研究内容和研究过程规范性和科学性的重要方案。本文将从PICO原则的四个部分,逐一阐述临床研究设计和实施过程中,研究对象的选择、干预措施的制定和实施、对照的选择及结果指标的确定等问题,帮助临床医务人员进行规范的临床研究设计。

    关键词 临床研究 规范设计 PICO原则 循证医学

    中图分类号:R19; R951 文献标志码:C 文章编号:1006-1533(2022)03-0067-06

    PICO model for the design of clinical research practice

    WANG Ruiping

    (Clinical Research & Innovation Center, Shanghai Skin Disease Hospital, Shanghai 200443, China)

    ABSTRACT Standardized clinical research designs should follow the PICO model of evidence-based medicine. PICO is an acronym for participants, interventions, comparisons and outcomes, and its central idea is consistent with the core of the clinical epidemiology study, design, measurement and evaluation in clinical (DME). The PICO model is a vital scheme to guide clinical research design and ensure the normative and scientific nature of its research contents and processes. Four parts of the PICO model containing the selection of the participants ......

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