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http://www.100md.com 2022年7月15日 2022年第9期
     张艳 孟诗尧 申莹莹 陈楠

    摘 要 药师在为患者进行药物整合和用药指导时,发现患者3年间反复入院6次的原因为用药依从性差,存在不合理用药情况。提示药师在运用专业技术优势对患者进行药物整合、优化的同时,应对住院患者进行适合患者的住院宣教,让患者从思想上充分认识疾病本身,对自我进行正确评估,从根本上接受药物治疗,从而提高患者依从性,获得更好预后。

    关键词 药物治疗 药物整合 依从性

    中图分类号:R197.1; R969.3 文献标志码:C 文章编号:1006-1533(2022)09-0067-03

    引用本文 张艳, 孟诗尧, 申莹莹, 等. 基于减少患者反复入院的临床药物整合及药学服务的研究[J]. 上海医药, 2022, 43(9): 67-69; Ⅲ.

    Exploration of clinical drug integration and pharmaceutical care based on reducing repeated hospitalization of patients

    ZHANG Yan, MENG Shiyao, SHEN Yingying, CHEN Nan

    (Department of Pharmacy, the People’s Hospital of Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou 450000, China)

    ABSTRACT During the course of drug integration and medication guidance for patients, pharmacists found that the reasons why the patient was repeatedly admitted to the hospital 6 times in 3 years were poor medication compliance and irrational medication. It was suggested that pharmacists should integrate and optimize the drugs for patients using their advantages of professional technology. Meanwhile, they should carry out appropriate education of medication for inpatients ......

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