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http://www.100md.com 2022年7月6日 2022年第11期
     王诗琳 于玲莉 成殷

    摘 要 细胞和基因治疗产品是个体化产品,产量小、效期短,无菌检查需采用快速检查法。本文介绍细胞和基因治疗产品的快速无菌检查方法及其制造商在实际应用过程中可能会遇到的主要问题,供业界和监管部门参考。

    关键词 细胞治疗 快速微生物检查 无菌

    中图分类号:R951; R927.1 文献标志码:C 文章编号:1006-1533(2022)11-0014-03

    引用本文 王诗琳, 于玲莉, 成殷. 快速无菌检查方法在细胞和基因治疗产品中的应用及监管概述[J]. 上海医药, 2022, 43(11): 14-16; 35.

    Application and regulation of rapid sterility test in cell and gene therapy products

    WANG Shilin, YU Lingli, CHENG Yin

    (Shanghai Center for Drug Evaluation and Inspection, Shanghai 201203, China)

    ABSTRACT Cell and gene therapy products are individualized products with low yield and short shelf life. Rapid test is needed for sterility test. This article introduces the rapid sterility test of cell and gene therapy products and the main problems that the manufacturers may encounter in the actual application process so as to provide reference for the industry and regulatory authorities.

    KEY WORDS cell therapy; rapid microbial examination; sterility


    1 细胞和基因治疗产品

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