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http://www.100md.com 2023年7月11日 2023年第9期
     梅妮 周坛树 吴浩

    摘 要 目的:按照疫苗研制环节生物安全管理要求,梳理疫苗研制环节生物安全管理的问题,并提出对策,加强疫苗研制环节生物安全风险管控。方法:通过查阅文献与公开信息,以及调研,梳理了疫苗研制中生物安全的现状。结果与结论:为加快疫苗的研制进程,建议我国各职能管理部门应加强协作,加大对相关政策的宣贯,进一步细化完善有关疫苗研发的生物安全的法律法规以及指导原则。

    关键词 疫苗研制 生物安全 管理 风险

    中图分类号:R951 文献标志码:C 文章编号:1006-1533(2023)09-0063-04

    引用本文 梅妮, 周坛树, 吴浩. 疫苗研制环节中生物安全问题的考量[J]. 上海医药, 2023, 44(9): 63-66.


    Consideration of biosafety in vaccine research and development

    MEI Ni, ZHOU Tanshu, WU Hao

    (Shanghai Center for Drug Evaluation and Inspection, Shanghai 201210, China)

    ABSTRACT Objective: To sort out the problems of biosafety management in vaccine research and development according to the requirements of its biosafety management, and put forward countermeasures to prevent and control its biosafety risks. Methods: The current situation of biosafety in the development of vaccine was combed through the review of literature and public information, and investigation. Results & Conclusion: In order to speed up the process of vaccine development, it is suggested that all functional administrative departments in China should strengthen cooperation ......

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