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http://www.100md.com 2009年8月1日 《医学信息·下旬刊》 2009年第8期
     【摘要】目的:探讨支气管哮喘缓解期的护理经验。方法:对40例支气管哮喘缓解期患者制订完善的护理计划,并实施。包括病情观察、避免不良刺激、脱敏疗法、用药、心理护理等。结果:本组病例好转40例,经6~12 个月的随访中,40例患者,35例明显改善;在出院后1~2年的随访中,上次随访病情明显改善的35例患者中,29例病情继续减轻。结论:对支气管哮喘患者缓解期进行全面护理,并为患者出院后制订完整护理计划,患者按计划实施可有效减少支气管哮喘的发生率。


    Nursing care of 40 cases of Bronchial asthma in remission stage of observation

    ZHANG Min GANG Shaohong

    【Abstract】Objective: To investigate the bronchial asthma in remission stage of the nursing experience. Methods: 40 cases of remission in patients with bronchial asthma to develop a comprehensive care plan, and implement. Including the condition to observe to avoidbad stimulus desensitization therapy, medication, psychological care. Results: 40 cases of patients improved by 6 months to 12 months of follow-up, 40 patients, 35 cases significantly improved; 1 year after discharge to 2 years of follow-up, significant improvement in the last follow-up of 35 patients patients, 29 cases of the disease continue to reduce. Conclusion: Patients with bronchial asthma in remission stage to conduct a comprehensive care, and for patients after discharge from hospital to develop a complete care plan, the patient in accordance with the implementation of the scheme can effectively reduce the incidence of bronchial asthma. ......

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