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http://www.100md.com 2014年3月12日 《医学信息》 201410

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    [6]R?is?nen S, Vehvil?inen-Julkunen K, Gissler M, et al. Hospital-based lateral episiotomy and obstetric anal sphincter injury rates: a retrospective population-based register study [J]. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 2012, 206(4): 347. e1-347. e6.

    [7]R?is?nen SH, VEHVIL?INEN‐JULKUNEN K, Gissler M, et al. Lateral episiotomy protects primiparous but not multiparous women from obstetric anal sphincter rupture [J]. Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica, 2009, 88(12): 1365-1372.

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    编辑/哈涛, http://www.100md.com(王莉 王华丽)
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