当前位置: 首页 > 医疗版 > 疾病专题 > 骨科 > 腰痛及颈肩痛 > 腰椎间盘突出症
http://www.100md.com 2014年4月9日 《医学信息》 201414
     摘要:目的 腰椎间盘突出症是因椎间盘变性,纤维盘破裂,髓核突出刺激或压迫神经根或马尾神经所表现的一组综合征,对症状重、保守治疗无效或多次反复发作治疗无效宜采用手术治疗。建立一套适合腰椎间盘突出症术后患者、系统、科学、完整的护理常规,以减少复发和并发症,使患者的功能损害减少到最低程度,尽早回归社会,实现自我的价值。方法 采用个案护理的方法,选取108例患者为护理对象。结果 所有病例由于手术前、手术后充分预备及护理的密切配合,均痊愈出院。结论 手术治疗效果显著,而围手术期护理对手术的顺利进行及巩固手术疗效,预防并发症的发生起重要的作用,现将护理的经验总结如下。


    Lumbar Disc Herniation in Peri Operation Period Nursing

    LI Shu-jun,HE Li-xin

    (Department of Orthopaedics,The PLA 181 Hospital,Guilin 541002,Guangxi,China)

    Abstract:ObjectiveDischarge of the herniated lumbar disc on the plate cracked discharge denatured, and what stimulates nerves, or oppressed by the outstanding or the brown algaethat nerves a syndrome, is the symptom, the conservative treatment is invalid or more frequent medical treatment should adopt a surgery. the development of a suitable for discharge of the herniated lumbar disc on patients, systems, science, and full care and to reduce the problems and complications that the functions of the damage as soon as possible to minimize the social and personal values.Methods The nursing methods of cases, the 108 patient was attended the object.ResultsAll cases before the operation, because operation fully prepared and nursing loaders, were recovered from the yard. ConclusionThe effect of significantly, and in the operation of nursing in operation smoothly and its effects on the prevention of complications, play an important role and will now summarize the nursing experience of the following ......
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