Better Promote Disease Prevention and Control Activities Through Creating and Struggling Activity in Superiorly First
(Jiangxi Provincial Center for Disease Control and prevention and the Prevention, Nanchang 330029,Jiangxi, China)
Abstract:Creating and struggling activity in superiorly first can reflectpracticing scientific concept of development andfollowing the mass line solidly, and better promote disease prevention and control job. Jiang xi province developed its disease prevention and control work steadily with rapid, scientific, harmonious momentum, which depended on that Jiangxi provincial center for disease prevention and control thoroughly implemented the scientific development concept, deepened medical and health system reform task, innovated work mechanism, enhanced the management level and developed creating and struggling activity in superiorly first. In disease management work Jiangxi provincial center for disease prevention and control taked the people as foundation, finely managed all kinds of jobs, create a fair working atmosphere and promote positive interaction between harmony and development. Through development of creating and struggling activity in superiorly first, it promoted party organizations and members better contacting and serving the masses, promoting the construction of disease control system, speeding up the transformation of development mode disease control, which better served the public health work.
Key words:Disease prevention and control; Creating and struggling activity in superiorly first;Taking the people as foundation;Finely management;Harmony and development
坚持重视民情、关注公共卫生,是开展疾控工作的必然选择。在工作中切实为广大人民群众排忧解难,维护好社会各阶层特别是广大人民群众的根本利益。及时解决好弱势群体中遇到的健康方面的困难,努力解决好当前群众中存在的公共卫生问题。真正做到民有困难疾苦得到解决。只有这样,才能把党的温暖遍及黎民百姓,把发展的成果惠及广大群众,进而实现和谐发展的势态。中心为此提出的 "面向全省,服务基层"的工作思路和部署已初见成效。主要业务科所都能把工作的触角延伸到全省疾控系统的各个层面,较好地履行了"宏观管理,业务培训,技术指导,质量控制"的职能和职责,能更多更好地为基层解决实际问题。
随着医改的逐步推进,疾控工作的管理模式也需要创新,需要一种制度来推动创先争优。为了加强疾控科学化、规范化和程序化管理,提高服务能力,促进事业发展,根据疾控中心工作实际,结合疾控中心历年目标考核方案,中心大胆创新机制,对疾控工作实行精细管理,推出OEC管理制度[1]。OEC管理也叫日清管理,其含义是全方位地对每人、每天所做的每件事进行控制和清理,做到"日事日毕、日清日高"[2],做到有目标、有计划、有执行、有检查、有考核、有总结。要求中心各部门工作坚持每周上报工作计划,及时汇报工作完成情况,每月对工作进行一次盘点,撰写工作总结。, http://www.100md.com(黄钦 黄文辉)
Better Promote Disease Prevention and Control Activities Through Creating and Struggling Activity in Superiorly First
(Jiangxi Provincial Center for Disease Control and prevention and the Prevention, Nanchang 330029,Jiangxi, China)
Abstract:Creating and struggling activity in superiorly first can reflectpracticing scientific concept of development andfollowing the mass line solidly, and better promote disease prevention and control job. Jiang xi province developed its disease prevention and control work steadily with rapid, scientific, harmonious momentum, which depended on that Jiangxi provincial center for disease prevention and control thoroughly implemented the scientific development concept, deepened medical and health system reform task, innovated work mechanism, enhanced the management level and developed creating and struggling activity in superiorly first. In disease management work Jiangxi provincial center for disease prevention and control taked the people as foundation, finely managed all kinds of jobs, create a fair working atmosphere and promote positive interaction between harmony and development. Through development of creating and struggling activity in superiorly first, it promoted party organizations and members better contacting and serving the masses, promoting the construction of disease control system, speeding up the transformation of development mode disease control, which better served the public health work.
Key words:Disease prevention and control; Creating and struggling activity in superiorly first;Taking the people as foundation;Finely management;Harmony and development
坚持重视民情、关注公共卫生,是开展疾控工作的必然选择。在工作中切实为广大人民群众排忧解难,维护好社会各阶层特别是广大人民群众的根本利益。及时解决好弱势群体中遇到的健康方面的困难,努力解决好当前群众中存在的公共卫生问题。真正做到民有困难疾苦得到解决。只有这样,才能把党的温暖遍及黎民百姓,把发展的成果惠及广大群众,进而实现和谐发展的势态。中心为此提出的 "面向全省,服务基层"的工作思路和部署已初见成效。主要业务科所都能把工作的触角延伸到全省疾控系统的各个层面,较好地履行了"宏观管理,业务培训,技术指导,质量控制"的职能和职责,能更多更好地为基层解决实际问题。
随着医改的逐步推进,疾控工作的管理模式也需要创新,需要一种制度来推动创先争优。为了加强疾控科学化、规范化和程序化管理,提高服务能力,促进事业发展,根据疾控中心工作实际,结合疾控中心历年目标考核方案,中心大胆创新机制,对疾控工作实行精细管理,推出OEC管理制度[1]。OEC管理也叫日清管理,其含义是全方位地对每人、每天所做的每件事进行控制和清理,做到"日事日毕、日清日高"[2],做到有目标、有计划、有执行、有检查、有考核、有总结。要求中心各部门工作坚持每周上报工作计划,及时汇报工作完成情况,每月对工作进行一次盘点,撰写工作总结。, http://www.100md.com(黄钦 黄文辉)